Page 62 - Lohgarh
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62  w   Lohgarh : The World’s Largest Fort

                          of his personal arrows. The Guru also handed him some hukamnamas
                          (royal letters), addressed to some prominent Sikhs, asking them to give
                          Banda Singh complete support. Bhai Lakhi Rai Vanjara was  the owner
                          of Bangeshwari Tanda and it was one of the richest Tanda of that time.
                          Bhagwant Singh Bangeshwari (earlier Bhagu Vanjara) was one the  major
                          mansabdar of Aurangzeb and he was a noble of Attock and was having
                          the Mansab of 5000.  5
                              The Guru also sent some Sikhs to accompany Banda Singh. Rattan
                          Singh Bhangu has given the names of these Sikhs as Binod Singh, Kahan
                          Singh, Baj Singh, Ran Singh and Ram Singh. But the Bhatt Vahis mention
                          the names of Bhagwant Singh, Baj Singh, Kuir Singh, Kahan Singh and
                          Binod Singh. 6
                              Banda Singh was still on his way when he got the news of the
                          martyrdom of the Guru. But, he was so dedicated to his mission that it
                          did not dishearten him and he continued his march towards the Punjab.
                          He covered a distance of more than 1500 kilometres in more than one
                          year. He travelled through Khan Desh (Burhanpur etc.), Mandsaur, Ajmer,
                          Phulera, Churu, Bharatpur and reached Bangar Desh. He next encamped
                          in the forest area between the villages of Khaanda and Sehri in
                          Kharkhauda pargana, situated between Sampla and Sonepat.    7
                              This was a desert and scanty forest region, almost without
                          habitation. From here, Bhagwant Singh Bangeshri proceeded towards
                          his home near Multan, with a promise to deliver the Guru’s letters to
                          the prominent Sikh families and also to enlist Sikh soldiers in the Banda
                          Singh’s army. Thus, within a few weeks, the armed Sikhs began joining
                          him. In a month’s time the number of his companions had crossed five
                          hundred and in two months it was above a thousand and every day
                          new recruits were joining the Sikh army.

                          Banda Singh Captures Royal Treasury
                          One day Banda Singh got the information that the royal treasure was
                          being taken to Delhi. When this party reached near Bahun village, near
                          Kaithal, it stopped for some rest; the Sikhs, under the command of Banda
                          Singh attacked the party carrying the treasure. On seeing the Sikhs, the
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