Page 289 - Lohgarh
P. 289
Pottery, Chakki etc. Found at Lohgarh
(Zone 2 & Zone 3)
Po ery found at Lohgarh. These jars were mainly Heavy lime mortar, concrete was used in the
used for storage of food grains. There is a clear construc on of Lohgarh in order to resist the Mugal
inference that the prepara on of war was made cannon. Lime mortar had been blended with brick
much earlier and Sikh soldiers never had a powder and even a er 400 years its strength is
shortage of supplies during the Ba le. unmatched.
Alloy le while making arms at Lohgarh by Sikhs. Various types of round shot made from dressed
A er mel ng, it could be used again. It is alloy of stone, found at Lohgarh. It is a solid projec le.
iron, zinc, chromium & copper. These are found in Without explosive charge, it was fired from a cannon
village Shahzadwala, Vansantoor and Bhagwanpur. by the Sikh army against Mughals in Ba le of Lohgarh
Mul purpose pulley used for extrac on of oil from seeds, li ing water, li ing heavy material on a hilltop. The
diameter of raising por on is 40 inches and depressed por on is 28 inches. The ropes and wood was used to
operate it.