Page 285 - Lohgarh
P. 285
Dams and Water preservation System
Inspec ons were done along the rivulets coming out from the fort Lohgarh and
it was found that the water even in the summer season existed inside these
rivulets. Even a er the reduc on of precipita on in the area under study, the
existence of water in the rivulets of the Lohgarh made the study more
important. As per the geographical loca on these rivulets originated just 10
k.m. from the hillocks and flows down in the plains. As the inspec on team
moved towards the various hillocks, tangible evidences of a typical structured
embankment along the sub rivulets (9 courses random rubble masonry) were
found. Just a er the structures a forma on of water tanks was found which
have a capacity to retain an ample amount of water on the hillock. These
structures shows the planning of Sikh army, in an cipa on of big war as the
water the primary requirement for both men and horses. The availability of
water on the hillock was also must as the defense morchas and the
inhabita ons of the Sikh army were on the higher contours. Moreover, if the
water source was at the low height, the venerability to the enemy's a ack
increased. Therefore, these structures having curved in plan, constructed with
dry rubble masonry was constructed by the Sikh soldiers under the guidance of
Sikh Guru Sahiban. The pa ern and the loca on of these structures are
strategically placed before the water source at regular intervals of the rivulets.