Page 223 - Lohgarh
P. 223

Contribution of Banda Singh Bahadur   w 223

                          still more credit. Ratan Singh Bhangu claims that Guru’s wives opposed
                          him, Ajit Singh Palit collaborated with the Mughal and the so-called Tat
                          Khalsa joined the Mughal side. In such circumstances, what Banda Singh
                          achieved was remarkable; his period can well be called the most pro-
                          people revolutionary period of the Sikh history, and, may be the world
                              Banda Singh wrote with his own blood the lesson of freedom but
                          mentally slave, impotent and coward people could not learn it properly.
                          It was only the Sikh nation which, at one time, learnt this lesson by
                          heart, and, after making thousands of sacrifices they achieved their
                          freedom and established nationhood of the Sikhs and the Punjabis,
                          under the Sikh Misls.
                              Banda Singh taught the Sikhs the value of freedom; having known
                          about the difference between a ruler and the ruled, the Sikh nation
                          refused to accept slavery or even supremacy of the others. Banda Singh
                          gave the Sikhs their own currency, their seal of sovereignty, and,
                          provided the Sikhs with a new calendar of their own too. Banda Singh
                          was the first person in the world history who brought an end to the
                          feudal system and introduced egalitarian system (though it was again
                          finished by Maharaja Ranjit Singh).
                              Banda Singh also taught the Sikhs the lessons of power of
                          organisation and leadership; he played as a hero and taught others to
                          be so. He exhibited how one can brave the most savage torture and
                          embrace martyrdom for one’s faith; perhaps, in the whole of history,
                          no other general had to face such a torturous death.
                              He taught the real way of living like a true Sikh; he adhered to the
                          Sikh values throughout his life; in a life span of just 45 years, he was a
                          Sikh only for less than eight years; and all this time he lived as a true
                          and a model Sikh; and he embraced death/martyrdom like a true Sikh.
                              He was a miracle on this earth; and he created a unique
                          phenomenon in history.
                              In the history of the Sikhs, Banda Singh’s name will shine with glory
                          only next to the Gurus. All the achievements of the succeeding
                          generations of the Sikhs owe their existence to Banda Singh’s
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