Page 156 - Lohgarh
P. 156

156  w   Lohgarh : The World’s Largest Fort

                          an employee of Khan Khana.  The Hindus were also accompanied by a
                          musical band. On seeing this, Virdi Begh, a fanatic Muslim, created a
                          hue and cry that the Hindus, by exhibition of such un-Islamic show,
                          were preaching Kufar (profanity).
                              Virdi Begh was successful in instigating the simple-minded Muslims
                          and they joined him to oppose the Hindus; thousands of Muslims began
                          attacking the Hindus; several of them Hindus) were punched and
                          plundered; a few Hindus lost their lives too; and cowardly Hindus
                          suffered all this without any protest. The plight of the Hindus was
                          reported to Bachan Singh Kachhwaha and Badan Singh Bundela (two
                          Hindu generals) by a generous Muslim general who had come to Lahore,
                          as a part of the army which had joined Bahadur Shah in his campaign
                          against the Sikhs. These Hindu generals approached the Emperor and
                          got issued an order for him to stop attacks on the Hindus.
                              Though the attacks on the Hindus were stopped, but the Sikhs still
                          continued to be the targets of the Muslim fanatics; now, the fanatics
                          Muslims began another propaganda that the Lahore riots had been
                          caused by the Sikhs who had long beards. Bahadur Shah knew that the
                          Sikhs did not cut/trim their beards so he issued an order asking the
                          Hindus to shave their beards, so that they might not be mistaken as
                          Sikhs. The Hindus obeyed this order and most of them shaved their
                          beards the very next day. But, Yaar Mohammed Khan Kalandari, the
                          Faujdar of the Delhi province gives another story; according to him, the
                          Hindus had not shaved their beards willingly, in fact, the royal order for
                          shaving their beards was forcibly implemented:

                              “...royal order commanded that the beards of all the Hindus of the royal
                              army should be shaved and an order be conveyed to all the provinces that
                              no ‘bedeen’ (profane, i.e. non-Muslim) shall keep long beard and if such a
                              person (non-Muslim) is found (with beard) his beard should be plucked.
                              Hence, this order was proclaimed in all the royal provinces. In the royal
                              camp, this order was implemented in such a manner that the monster-
                              looking chiefs used to wander in the streets and the bazaars of the town,
                              carrying basins of dirty water. They would insult anyone and shave his
                              beard, snatch his turban and even take off his clothes. The Hindu employees
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