Page 155 - Lohgarh
P. 155

Death of Emperor Bahadur Shah   w 155

                          woes; he consoled them and assured that he himself would be staying
                          in Lahore and they should feel fully safe there. Having got assurance
                          from the Emperor, these Muslim clergy re-assumed their mission against
                          the Sikhs and their sympathizers. Several Sikhs, even though they had
                          nothing to do with the Sikh army, were killed by these clergy. Several
                          Sikh sympathizer Hindus too were hacked to death.
                              In Lahore, Bahadur Shah regularly received the latest information
                          about Banda Singh and the Sikh army. On the 6  of August 1711, he got
                          the information that Banda Singh had reached near the bank of the
                          river Beas and was likely to cross to Majha zone. At that time Mohammed
                          Amin Khan was present in Kalanaur. Bahadur Shah sent a message to
                          the Khan to cross the river and attack the Sikh column. On the 11  of
                          August, Bahadur Shah was told that before the Khan could reach near
                          the Sikh positions, Banda Singh and his six thousand companions had
                          already escaped to the hills.
                              Now, Bahadur Shah began an action against the ordinary (non-
                          soldier) Sikhs and their families and relatives too a very large number
                          of Sikhs were arrested and killed; several Sikh houses were plundered.
                          Those Muslims whose relatives had been killed during their ‘holy war’
                          against the Sikhs played a crucial role in getting the Sikhs traced, arrested
                          and killed. Similarly, several Muslims joined this crusade with an
                          intension to get awards and/or appreciation of the rulers. In order to
                          prove their loyalty to the Muslims, even the Hindus of Lahore and other
                          areas got several Sikhs arrested.
                              Bahadur Shah had issued a general order for the massacre of the
                          Sikhs. This situation was misused by some fanatic Muslims against the
                          Hindus too; some of them took revenge from them for their personal
                          grudge against them and got them arrested by branding them the
                          supporters/ sympathizers of the Sikhs. Some Muslim clergy began
                          creating trouble for the Hindus by opposing even their religious
                          ceremonies and rituals. One day, some Hindus were moving in a
                          procession to a local Hindu temple in Lahore, to perform a ritual of
                          worship of a mythical Hindu goddess, for the health of a Hindu boy
                          (who had been attacked by small pox) who was the son of Shiv Singh,
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