Page 103 - Lohgarh
P. 103

Mughal Action Against the Sikhs   w 103

                          Bahadur Shah forgave these three Rajput rulers, and, sent for them
                          robes of honor. In fact, Bahadur Shah was so much worried about the
                          situation of the Punjab that he did not want to take any action against
                          the Rajputs; hence, he opted for a compromise with them.  6
                              On 12 May 1710, Preet Rao, a messenger, reported to Bahadur Shah
                          that “a Sikh has declared himself as Guru and has gathered several people
                          around him and attacked even Saharanpur.” Hearing this, Bahadur Shah
                          ordered the governors (of Sarhind, Lahore and Jammu) to take an
                          immediate action against the Sikhs. 7
                              On the same day, the agent of the ruler of Amber, in a letter to his
                          master, wrote:
                              “The agent of the Governor of Sarhind has told me that we should not
                              under-estimate the riots of this cult (the Sikhs). About seventy thousand
                              persons (the Sikhs) have gathered at Sadhaura. They recite the name of
                              Guru and also say that ‘a holy man has joined us from heavens’. (They)
                              have destroyed the parganas of Doaba and have established their
                              supremacy up to Fatehbad (Beas River). On receiving a letter from Wazir
                              Khan, Nawab Nizam-Ul-Mulk Asad Khan has written to the Governor of
                              Hissar to join him in his expedition against the Sikhs. But they too are
                              awe-stricken. Let us see what the will of God is. Some people of this
                              organisation have created a commotion in Lahore (zone) too. They have
                              killed several of them and it is said that they have put siege to Saharanpur
                              too...To sum up, the power of this cult is increasing day by day. Nawab
                              Asif-ud-Daula has sent letters to Mohammed Amin Khan and Khan Durran
                              Bahadur to immediately march against the Sikhs. They have told him
                              (Nawab)  that if he marches (against the Sikhs), they too would join
                              him....As the situation is not undergoing any change, Nawab has decided
                              to send Abdullah Khan (Khwaja) to discuss it with Wazir Khan. He has
                              also written letters to the army chiefs of the surrounding areas asking
                              them to ‘deliberate among themselves to deal with this cult (Sikhs)’. The
                              Emperor too has told the army chiefs of the surrounding areas (to take
                              action against the Sikhs). (The Emperor) has also ordered to grant twenty-
                              five thousand aalat-i-nukra (silver coins)  to Abdullah Khan and (has
                              commanded)   to grant fifty thousand rupees to Abdullah Khan (for his
                              expedition against the Sikhs). Khan Sahib himself is passing through bad
                              days, but he has accepted the order (of the Emperor) under compulsion”. 8
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