Page 100 - Lohgarh
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100  w   Lohgarh : The World’s Largest Fort

                          30. As per the  Persian sources (Ahkam-I-Alamgir 1703-07, translated by Irfan
                              Habib) reveals that “In this while, Muhammad Auliya, resident of the
                              township of Buria, in parana Khizrabad, sarkar Sahrind [Sirhind], has
                              reported through persons known to this just world- adorning Court that
                              his Highness [the addressee] had, in accordance with imperial orders and
                              in concert with the qazi, (Nanak-parastan) in the said township, and built
                              a mosque, installing a dervish Saivid Muzaffar by name for the offering of
                              Muslim prayers in that mosque. The said people [i.e. ‘the Nanak
                              investigation, they have admitted having killed him. But, owing to the
                              representation made by some of them who have come to this benevolent
                              Court, the qazi and muhtasib of that place have been dismissed without
                              any fault of theirs ; and  ‘Alimullah has been appointed qazi and his father
                              the muhtasib [lit. given (the charge of) ihtisab]. The world-binding order
                              has been issued that his Highness may be written to, as to why such
                              negligence’s has occurred. Amends should be made in a commendable
                              manner. “It belongs to Him, and is on God’s account.” It was also ordered
                              that he should write the true facts about the previous qazi and muhtasib,
                              and, till the receipt of his reply the orders of appointment of the proposed
                              qazi and muhtasib be not issued.”
                          31. Their graves still exist near mausoleum of Kale Shah on Saharanpur-Delhi
                          32. In Tarikh-i-Mohammed Shahi.
                          33. Khushwaqt Rai, Twareekh-i-Sikhan.
                          34. Elliot and Dowson, History of India as told by its Historians, Vol 7, p. 419,
                              Mohammed Latif, History of the Punjab, page 275.
                          35. Chamiari was a major town in those days, and, had a Fort too.
                          36. Mohammed Qasim, Ibratnama, p. 22; Khushwaqt Rai, Tarikh-i-Sikhan.
                          37. Mohammed Qasim, op.cit.
                          38. Sikh History (10 Volumes) vol 2, p. 57-58.
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