Page 82 - Lohgarh
P. 82

82  w   Lohgarh : The World’s Largest Fort

                          Wazir Khan attacked Baj Singh with his sword too. But, before Wazir
                          Khan’s sword could hit Baj Singh’s body, Fateh Singh gave a strong blow
                          with his sword which almost chopped off the right arm of Wazir Khan,
                          and with another blow his head too was severed. Yar Mohammed, in
                          Dastur-ul-Insha, writes: “Wazir Khan’s head was hung on a spear and
                          his trunk was dragged behind a cart up to Sarhind”.
                              Figures of Casualties: According to common belief, 50 thousands
                          Muslims and 30 thousand Sikhs were killed in this battle, which seems
                          to be improbable and unrealistic. The figure of 5 thousand Muslims
                          and 3 thousand Sikhs seems to be near reality. The number of the
                          wounded is separate from it. Those who embraced martyrdom among
                          the Sikh side included the highly revered of elderly Bhai Bajjar Singh
                          (he had taught martial arts to Guru Gobind Singh). In this battle the
                          Sikhs captured 45 big and small cannons, dozens of elephants, hundreds
                          of horses and a large number of guns and sword etc.
                              After the battle was over, the Sikhs cremated their martyrs in large
                          groups and bandaged those who were wounded. They did not have
                          enough bandages, so they had to feel satisfied with whatever they had
                          at hand. All this time the victorious Sikhs went on chanting hymns in
                          praise of God. After cremation, the Sikh soldiers left for Sarhind, leaving
                          some of them there to take care of the cremated bodies and to dispose
                          of the ashes.
                              After covering a distance of about 20 kilometres the Sikh army
                          reached Sarhind. It was not yet dawn. The gates of the walled city were
                          closed from inside, hence they could not enter; they had to break open
                          the gates and for this purpose they had to fight the garrison of the
                          Sarhind regime. The Sikhs were carrying with them the body of Wazir
                          Khan. They took a round of the main streets of the town to show the
                          head and trunk of the body of Wazir Khan which, later, they hung from
                          a tree so that the people might see with their own eyes the fate of the
                          cruel ruler. It being an extremely hot weather; the body of Wazir Khan
                          began stinking. The vultures began picking upon the body to get their
                          share. This frightened the residents of Sarhind and they begged mercy
                          of the Sikhs. Banda Singh sent them a message telling them that the
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