Page 275 - Lohgarh
P. 275

Some  bas ons  were  constructed  around  the  village  of  Vanjaras  the
      for fica on of which was between 10 to 15 acres of land. A er perusal of
      archeology, these for fica ons might have taken place a er Baba Banda Singh
      Bahadur's arrival at Lohgarh, it is es mated that the brick used in the 52
      for fica ons are Nanak Shahi bricks and both mud and lime mortar had been
      used as binding  material for  construc on.

       Well of Lakhi Shah Vanjara   Bastion at Ratore (30°31'  Bastion at Hangoli (30°31
             at Kasampur        33.14"N, 77° 2'36.82"E)  '39.36"N, 77° 0'43.21"E)

                      Lohgarh's Bastion at Village Bavana, Pinjor
                          (30°47'53.61"N, 76°57'44.26"E) (Zone 3)

      According  to  Akhbarat-i-Darbar-i-Mu'alla,  Baba  Banda  Singh  Bahadur
      remained  at  this  place  in  1714.  This  place  is  situated  on  a  hillock  having
      contours 2200 feet above sea level and the for fica on is just on the bank of
      river Gaggar,  in fact it is very strategic place from where viligance can be kept
      on the passages leading to the valley. More over it is just on the boundary of old
      state of Nahan and Hindur, therefore it was an important coordina on point.
      The  for fica on is mainly done with dressed stones and lime mortar. There are
      ample amount of curved stone in the village. Vanjaras constructed this fort.
      Presence of a well on hill top
      clearly  indicates  that  rich
      Vanjara use to live here and
      also  they  use  to  do  trading
      ac vi es.    Intensive  use  of
      concrete had been done, no
      Mughal cannon was capable
      of  breaching  it.  Strength  of
      concrete  is  s ll  found,  even
      a er 400 years.

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