Page 269 - Lohgarh
P. 269

Muklishgarh and Lohgarh

      Historians  wrongly  quoted  that  the  earlier  name  of  the  Fort  Lohgarh  was
      Muklishgarh, the Rang Mahal of Mughals. Mukhlisgarh was simply projected to
      hide the history  of  Fort Lohgarh which was  constructed by the na ves to
      uproot the long oppressions rule of Mughals. Under Shahjahan (1627-1658)
      the celebrated Ali Mardan Khan laid down Rang Mahal named Muklisgarh and
      in it built a royal hun ng lodge known as Badshahi Mahal - pleasure palaces on
      the le  bank of Yamuna to the north -west of the Faizabad Pargana in the
      Sarkar of Saha-ranpur presently in the state of U ar Pradesh near famous
      Hathani Kund Barrage. The palace is situated opposite to the head works of the
      Delhi Mughal canal and its many  por ons were standing  ll the beginning of
      the present century. To the name of same nobleman is drawn the construc on
      of the canal. He is said to have designed the canal which was conducted with a
      considerable  knowledge  of  hydraulics  along  the  crest  of  the  high  ground
      between Yamuna and Hindan so as to admit of its water being thrown off on

      both  irriga on  purposes.  Geographical loca on  of  Muklishgarh was  in the
      pargana of Fahizabad, Sarkar Saharanpur, on the bank of Yamuna river. It also
      lies in the proximity of Shivalik Hills and the loca on of Muklishgarh made it
      very suitable from a climate point of view.
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