Page 175 - Lohgarh
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Third Mughal Expedition Against the Sikhs   w 175

                          and submitted an unqualified apology and prayed for forgiveness;
                          Farukhsiyar treated him with mercy and also presented him a robe of
                          honour. 5
                              On 11 February 1713, Farukhsiyar appointed Abdus Samad Khan as
                          the Governor of Jammu and gave him instructions to take action against
                          the Sikhs. On 12 February, he was appointed Faujdar of Doaba also. On
                          14 February Farukhsiyar promised to appoint Abdus Samad Khan as
                          the Governor of Lahore too; the Emperor told him that he would have
                          to get the Forts of Sadhura and Lohgarh freed from the Sikhs. Abdus
                          Samad Khan immediately set out for action against the Sikhs.
                              Now, Farukhsiyar began appointing new officials. He appointed
                          Zabardast Khan (grandson of Amir-ul-Umra     Ali Mardan Khan, Shah
                          Jahani) as the Governor of Lahore (replacing Inayatullah Khan). On the
                          26 th  of February, he appointed Iradatmand Khan as the Governor of
                          Eimanabad, Ahmad Khan as the Governor of Gujrat and Saadat Khan as
                          the Governor of Kashmir. Saadat Khan was also given mansab     of six
                          thousand soldiers. Farukhsiyar decided to befriend the rulers of Jaipur
                          and Jodhpur as well. On the 2  of March 1713, Farukhsiyar wrote letters
                          to Rajput rajas Ajit Singh (of Jodhpur) and Jai Singh Sawai (Jaipur/Amber)
                          granting each of them mansab of six thousand soldiers and five thousand
                          horse. 6
                              In fact, Ajit Singh had offered to marry his daughter Raj Inder Kanwar
                          to Farukhsiyar. On the 6 th  of July Sayyad Hussain Ali brought this girl
                          from Jodhpur to the Sarai of Ali Vardi Khan. She reached Delhi on the
                          13  of September. On the 27  of September, she embraced Islam. After
                          this, the ceremony of betrothal was performed. When this marriage
                          ceremony was held, Farukhsiyar was suffering from piles, so the marriage
                          could not be consummated for two months.  Farukhsiyar was treated
                          by William Hamilton, an English doctor (to reward the services given by
                          the doctor, Farukhsiyar granted the English right to exemption from
                          custom duty in Bengal). 8
                              Farukhsiyar was so much angry with Jahandar Shah that he issued
                          an order proclaiming that “references to Jahandar’s rule should be
                          erased from history and the period of his (Farukhsiyar’s) reign should
                          be considered from the date of his proclamation of Emperorship in Patna
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