Page 133 - Lohgarh
P. 133

Mughal Action Against the Sikhs   w 133

                          to put Bhup Parkash in the thorny cage that had been made for Banda
                          Singh. Mahabat Khan submitted before the Emperor that Bhup Parkash
                          was innocent and Banda Singh had already sneaked out of the territory
                          of Nahan. At this the Emperor said ‘if you do not punish him, all the hill
                          rulers will become Sikhs. You must punish him’. Mahabat Khan again
                          pleaded that the nails inside are sharp and hard and Bhup Parkash would
                          die as soon as he put into the cage. Even this could not change the
                          callous mind of the Emperor and he said ‘in case the Raja dies, he will
                          surely go to hell’. After this Mahabat Khan did not plead any more, and,
                          in compliance of the Emperor’s command, he put Bhup Pakash into the
                          cage, but before that he asked his servants to bend the nails, so that
                          they might not inflict wounds to Bhup Parkash. 72
                              Pancholi Jagjiwan Das gives a different story. According to him, when
                          Bhup Parkash and his Diwan (minister) reached there (before the
                          Emperor), Khan Khanan asked them, “where is Banda Singh”? At this
                          the minister said Banda Singh had gone out of their State. Reacting to
                          this Khan Khanan said that was telling lies and he insulted him. He
                          (Diwan) was handcuffed, his feet were fettered and an iron belt was
                          put around his neck and he was put into a cage. Raja Bhup Parkash too
                          was unarmed and he was interned in a small tent; and, soldiers were
                          posted to keep a watch on him. Pancholi Jagjiwan Das further says that
                          Raja Chhatarsaal too had assured Raja Bhup Parkash that he will not be
                          harmed. But, when Chhatarsaal saw that the Emperor has impressed
                          Bhup Parkash, he left the camp of the Emperor and returned to his
                          own country. 73
                              According to Diwan Bhikhari Das when Raja Nahan reached there
                          Khan Khanan asked him where is Banda Singh, the Raja said ‘I don’t
                          know. My Diwan (minister) is a Sikh of the Guru, he might have
                          knowledge of the Banda Singh’s whereabouts’. At this the minister was
                          arrested and badly beaten. His survival was in danger. The next day, the
                          Emperor said, ‘You will find nothing by beating the minister; instead
                          arrest Raja of Nahan and tell him that if he does not present Banda
                          Singh, his State will be destroyed.’ 74
                              On 22 January 1711, when the Emperor was near Sadhaura, a
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