Page 126 - Lohgarh
P. 126

126  w   Lohgarh : The World’s Largest Fort

                          royal army and the armies of the famous umraa attacked them from all
                          sides and surpassed the acts (of bravery) of Rustam and Isfandyaar. 50
                          About two and a half thousand persons of that unprincipled cult (Sikhs),
                          along with their leaders became the good of the swords of the brave
                          men (Muslims).   Among the victorious forces nephew of Firoz Shah
                          Mewati was killed and his (Mewati’s) son was wounded...”   (The non-
                          Italic text is mine- Author).
                              Khafi Khan says, “It is difficult to narrate this battle. Faqir-like
                          dressing Sikhs have created awe in the royal army. So many people of
                          the royal army were killed that it seemed that we shall all die. In this
                          Sikh attack, Firoz Khan Mewati’s nephew and son were also killed.”  52

                          Lohgarh Fort falls (?) and Banda Singh escapes
                          Kamvar says: “When the sun has just arisen, Khan Khanan, with a force
                          of five thousand companions, attacked the Sikh positions at the top of
                          the hill. A fierce battle of guns and arrows was fought on both the sides.
                          Khan Khanan reached near the trench of the Fort. Both sides fought a
                          full-fledged battle. Trade of life-taking was at its full extreme.” 53
                              Irvine writes, “The Mughal and Pathan soldiers were very much
                          scared due to the rumours about Banda Singh. They had heard that Banda
                          Singh had magical power with which he could make the spears and
                          swords of the enemy ineffective. They had learnt that Banda Singh had
                          given a ‘blessing’ to the Sikhs that if anyone of them died in the battle
                          he would be reborn and would get a higher office in life. Due to such
                          rumours the Emperor and the senior generals of the Mughal army had
                          become perplexed and disheartened”.  54
                              When Khan Khanan reached near the trench, there were small
                          skirmishes. A couple of Sikhs would come out of the Fort, fight against
                          the royal soldiers and get killed after a good deal of fighting; a large
                          number of royal soldiers too were getting killed.  55
                              Finding Khan Khanan resolute, prince Rafi-ud-Shah and Rustam Dil
                          Khan too made an assault at Lohgarh Fort. They acted so with an
                          intention of stopping Khan Khanan getting the credit/laurels of victory.
                          The action of Khan Khanan, and others following him, was in violation
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